Indian Basketball Jobs: North Western Railway Announces Sports Quota Recruitment for 2023-24
There are 15 basketball job vacancies available, for both men and women combined, spread across 3 pay levels.
India’s North Western Railway Recruitment Cell has put out an open advertisement to recruit sports persons against sports quota in various pay levels for the year 2023-24.
The ad was issued on September 8, and online applications will be accepted from September 15 onwards.
How many basketball jobs are available?
There are 15 basketball job vacancies available, for both men and women combined, spread across 3 pay levels.
At North Western Railway Head-Quarters in Jaipur:
1 Vacancy for a Female Basketball Player (Forward playing position), in Pay Level 4/5
6 Vacancies for 3 Female and 3 Male Basketball Players (1 each for Centre, Forward and Guard positions), in Pay Level 2/3
7 Vacancies for 5 Male (3 ‘All-Rounder’ positions; 1 Centre and 1 Guard) and 2 Female (both ‘All-Rounder’ position), in Pay Level 1
At Jaipur Division, in Pay Level 1:
1 Vacancy for a Female Basketball Player (Centre playing position)
What is the salary?
Pay Level 4/5 (GP Rs. 2,400/2,800): This translates to Rs 25,500/- to Rs 29,200/- Basic Pay*
Pay Level 2/3 (GP Rs 1,900/2,000): This translates to Rs 19900/- to Rs 21,700/- Basic Pay*
Pay Level 1 (GP Rs 1800): This translates to Rs 18000/- Basic Pay *
*As per 6th Pay Commission
*House Rent Allowance (HRA) and Travel Allowance (TA) will be extra, over and above Basic Pay
What is the minimum sports qualification criteria?
For Pay Level 4/5:
A. Represented the country in Olympic Games (Senior Category) OR
B. Obtained at least 3rd position by representing the Country in any one of the following:- World Cup (Junior/Youth/Senior) World Championships (Junior/Senior) Asian Games (Senior) Commonwealth Games (Senior) Youth Olympics
For Pay Level 2/3
A. Represented the country in Olympic Games (Senior Category) OR
B. Represented the Country in any one of the following :- World Cup (Junior/Youth/Senior) World Championships (Junior/Senior) Asian Games (Senior) Commonwealth Games (Senior) Youth Olympics OR
C. Represented the country in any one of the following and obtained at least 3rd position :- Commonwealth Championships (Junior/Senior) Asian Championships/Asia Cup (Junior/Senior) South Asian Federations (SAF) Games (Senior) USIC (World Railways) Championships (Senior) World University Games OR
D. Represented a State or equivalent unit and obtained at least 3rd Position in Senior/Youth/Junior National Championships OR
E. Represented a State and obtained at least 3rd position in National Games organized under aegis of Indian Olympic Association OR
F. Represented a University and obtained at least 3rd position in All India Inter University Championship organized under the aegis of Association of Indian Universities OR
G. Obtained 1 st position in Federation Cup Championships (Senior Category).
For Pay Level 1
A. Represented the country in Olympic Games (Senior Category) OR
B. Represented the country in any one of the following:- World Cup (Junior/Youth/Senior) World Championships (Junior/Senior) Asian Games (Senior) Commonwealth Games (Senior) Youth Olympics OR
C. Represented the country in any one of the following:- Commonwealth Championships (Junior/Senior) Asian Championships/Asia Cup (Junior/Senior) South Asian Federations (SAF) Games (Senior) USIC (World Railways) Championships (Senior) World University Games OR
D. Represented a State or equivalent unit and obtained at least 3rd Position in Senior/Youth/Junior National Championships OR
E. Represented a State and obtained at least 3rd position in National Games organized under aegis of Indian Olympic Association OR
F. Represented a University and obtained at least 3rd position in All India Inter University Championship organized under the aegis of Association of Indian Universities OR
G. Represented in Federation Cup Championships (Senior category) and obtained at least 3rd position OR
H. Represented a State of equivalent unit, except in Marathon and Cross country with at least 8th position in Senior National Championships only.
What is the minimum education criteria?
For Pay Level 5:
A Degree/Graduation or its equivalent from a recognized university, OR Pass in B.Sc. from a recognized university for the post of Signal Maintainer Grade-I
For Pay Level 4:
12th (+2 stage) or its equivalent from a recognized Board/University and for the skill test prescribed dictation speed of 80 W.P.M. duration time 10 minutes and transcription time is 50 minutes (English) and 65 minutes (Hindi) for the post of Jr. Stenographer.
For Pay Level 2/3
12th (+2 stage) or its equivalent examination from a recognized Board/University OR A pass in Matriculation or its equivalent from a recognized Board and having ITI certificate may also eligible to be posted as Tech-III OR A pass in Matriculation or its equivalent from a recognized Board may also eligible to be posted as TechIII
For Pay Level 1
Matriculation (10th pass) or ITI or equivalent.
How to apply?
Detailed instructions for filling up ONLINE applications are available on the RRC – NWR, Jaipur’s website:
What’s the last date for applying?
15/10/2023 @ 23.59 hrs.
Other important terms & conditions
Only those Sportspersons who have acquired the sports achievements - eligibility norms in the championship on or after 01/04/2021 and are active will be eligible to apply for appointment against Sports Quota.
Minimum 18 years and maximum 25 years as on 01.01.2024 i.e must have been born not earlier than 02.01.1999 and not later than 01.01.2006.
What’s the selection procedure?
i. Selection will be based upon Document Verification, performance in Sports Trials and assessment of sports achievement & educational qualification etc. Selection will be conducted by North Western Railway, Headquarter, Jaipur for vacancies of Head Quarter Quota and by respective Division/Workshop for vacancies of Divisions/Workshop Quota.
ii. After scrutiny of applications by Scrutiny Committee short-listed eligible candidates will be called for Document Verification & Trial of sports performance. Trial Committee conduct trial to assess their sports performance and suitability for Railway/Unit team as well as Indian Railways team. Trial Committee shall give its recommendation in terms of either FIT or NOT FIT, for consideration for next stage, by giving marks as per the criteria given below :-
iii. After Trial only the FIT Candidates in trial shall be considered for the next stage i.e. assessment of sports achievement & educational qualification by the Recruitment Committee.
iv. Recruitment Committee shall award the marks (out of 60 marks) only to the FIT candidates for their sports achievements, educational qualifications etc. Candidates declared ‘NOT FIT’ will not be assessed further by the Recruitment Committee.
v. Assessment of sports achievement & educational qualification of the FIT candidates shall invariably be held on the same day, just after trials or at the most, next day of the trials.
vi. Recruitment Committee is to add the marks given by the Trial Committee to the FIT candidates ( i.e., out of 40 marks), in order to make the final merit list (out of 100 marks.) vii. Distribution of Marks : Maximum marks which can be awarded by the Trial Committee for performance during Trial and Recruitment Committee during assessment of sports achievement & educational qualification, shall be as follows :
viii. Minimum qualifying marks for recruitment through Open Advertisement in different Pay Level/Grade Pay, shall be as follows :
Pay Level 5 (Grade Pay 2800) 70 Marks
Pay Level 4 (Grade Pay 2400) 70 Marks
Pay Level 3 (Grade Pay 2000) 65 Marks
Pay Level 2 (Grade Pay 1900) Pay Level 1 (Grade Pay 1800) 60 Marks
Note: The offer of appointment shall be given purely on the basis of merit. In case more than one sportsperson score the same marks, preference should be given to younger candidate to decide the merit.
Is there any reservation?
There is no reservation for SC, ST, OBC, EWS, PH (Physically Handicapped), and Ex-SM (Service Men).